My Holidae (Part 3)

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Huatt.... ar...

Todae is my mum's 100th day ceremony so I did wake up early in the morning ... The night before I had prepared all the things that we need to bring to the 墓地, be it the offering or any misc things.

We were there around 4 or 5 in the morning, which isn't as early as the previous one. But this time around my big bro wasn't around ... that makes me become the eldest son to give the offering to God of Earth as well as Mum. I'm very 可靠的, ok.. :P

After finish with the ceremony, we walked around to discuss about the 墓地和墓碑 because it has to be finished before 清明. Oh well, at the end we did make up our mind on this and I shall take a picture of it later when I go back for 清明. :)

I took a picture of KFC on the way home in *forgot the name of the place* which I think it looks nice architecturally.

KFC Carausel


After that, I drive my sis to her office and I waited there too! huhu poor me. But actually I watched Naruto while she wasnt around :P then had tempe penyetz for lunch ... ane luak! In fact I told her OB mai hiam mai hiam ..but they say this is the bare minimum .. wakaka... but it was all nice slurp! *makes me so hungry leh ...*

Then I went out with a friend of mine to have some ice cream. He recommends the place one so I ok ok one ... hehe ... The place was really nice and cozy indeed and the ice cream is nice. Thanks Ste! keke... I still remember he put a remarks that I dun look like an engineer but u know how I repliy him? "Ofcoz not coz I'm engineer on holiday" wakaka....

Then my day was like the other day ... went home straight away. I watched CJ7 and Resident Evil. CJ7 is boring .... until i fell asleep lor....

All of sudden it was morning liao.... I still need some sleep ler.... keke ...

Drive my sis to her office in the morning as usual hoho.... become driver leh .. so poor thing ...

We had our lunch on Malioboro Fried Chicked.. so delicious... u know its bone also can be eaten one! so yummy somemore hehe... and afterall its very cheap :) good bargain de. then we went back to her office T_T"

So I waited there till time off then we bought Bakpao Chik Yen on the way home ... yum yum ..

watched DVDs .. but I forgot which title wakaka....

to be continued ....

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